Monday, April 13, 2015

Installing kanboard onto a Raspberry Pi

I wanted to try running the open source software "kanboard" on my Raspberry Pi.  The installation was pretty simple.

First, get updates.

sudo apt-get update

Now install the web server, Apache:

sudo apt-get install apache2

After this is finished, you should try to hit your Raspberry Pi with your browser (type in the address of your Pi and hit enter):

We also need php.

sudo apt-get install php5

sudo apt-get install php php-gd php-mbstring php-dom

And we need the sqlite plugin as well as unzip if you don't have it already:

sudo apt-get install unzip php5-sqlite
sudo apt-get install unzip php7.0-sqlite3

Now restart the webserver:

sudo service apache2 restart

And do:

   sudo su
   cd /var/www/html
   git clone
   cd kanboard && git checkout v1.2.5 && cd ..
   chown -R www-data:www-data kanboard/data
   service apache2 restart

Now try to hit http://<your pi IP address>/html/kanboard from your browser, if you were successful you should see: